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2018년 9월 15일 - 2018년 9월 25일 정글 트레킹 및 카약

9월 15일 (토)



정글 트레킹 및 카약​ 태국 여행의 목적은 현지 국립공원 가이드와 회사 이사인 Jerry Dolan과 함께 하는 코창 정글에서 2일 이상의 트레킹을 완료하는 것입니다.

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2018년 9월 15일 - 2018년 9월 25일 정글 트레킹 및 카약
2018년 9월 15일 - 2018년 9월 25일 정글 트레킹 및 카약

시간 및 장소

2018년 9월 15일 오전 7:00 – 2018년 9월 25일 오전 11:00

코창, Koh Chang, Ko Chang District, 뜨랏, 태국


이벤트 소개

Jungle trekking & kayaking

The aim of the trip to Thailand is to complete 2 or more days trekking in the Koh Chang Jungle, where you will be accompanied by a local National Park Guide and Jerry Dolan, Company Director and jungle mountain leader. Prior to the trek, you will be given a study sheet so you can brush up on local do and don’t subjects, flora and fauna, map and a list of things to bring. On arrival there will be a jungle hazards presentation by Jerry, which will be followed by a group kit check and packing session, any discrepancies would then then rectified. Then the day will end with a short trek to the beautiful Klong Plu waterfall where you can practice erecting their hammocks and water proof covers, cookers and gas canisters.

The trek will be followed by a day of scuba diving off one of the other nearby islands, then two days of kayaking along the west and south coast of Koh Chang, culminating in a BBQ of day fresh snapper, prawns, salad, fruit and beverages just a few metres from the lapping waves.

Weather systems were not as ferocious as one would be led to believe of the monsoon seasons in Thailand, a typical day was to wake up with the rain and by mid morning it had abated, followed by warmth and sunny spells. Then during the evening at around 7-8 the rain came again, by then, hammocks were up and sleep routine began again. Temperatures ranged from 25c in the morning and around 30c during the day.

이벤트 공유하기


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