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1-8 квітня 2019 Північні країни  лижний  гастролі  і навички

пн, 01 квіт.


Готель Бикле

скандинавські  лижний  гастролі  і навички  Ваш курс проходитиме на типовій для скандинавських лижних трасах Сетесдал на півдні Норвегії.

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1-8 квітня 2019 Північні країни  лижний  гастролі  і навички
1-8 квітня 2019 Північні країни  лижний  гастролі  і навички

Час та місце

01 квіт. 2019 р., 07:00 – 08 квіт. 2020 р., 11:00

Готель Бикле, Sarvsvegen 2, 4754 Bykle, Норвегія

Про захід

Nordic ski touring & skills


Your course will take place on the typically Nordic skiing terriain of Setesdal in southern Norway, it has a population of just over 500 during the low season, but expands to around 4000 in the high seasons. It has over 160kms of Nordic ski trails, which are perfectly groomed during good and marginal weather patterns but there are many trails close to our base that can be utilized during poor weather. There are several mountain huts in the are that you can visit, each with beds, duvets, pillows, some with full size and well equipped kitchens.


Once arrived at the Base camp in Bykle, you’ll be given your skis, boots and ski poles, followed by a briefing on what’s to take place during the following week. You’ll also receive a briefing on safety in the winter environment, particularly regarding to the local area. After a hearty meal, we will discuss the equipment and expedition phase, if you’re on that course, and perhaps properly introduce you to your skiing equipment. Over next three days, apart from checking that you have all of the required clothing and personal items, you will learn the basic skiing and emergency techniques necessary to equip you with the skills to negotiate

any type of track, but if you’re on the touring course, it will be enough to get you through a two day one night, or a three day two night ski tour to your overnight camp and hut destinations just 12km and 26km respectively, from our lodge accommodation.



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